Komentář: xWfhXHUJRa0

U článku přes 30 anime
HFnpppYgzjFB z IP 188.143.234.*** | 12.10.2015 17:32
Translated by GoogleExcuse my ignorance, but I also play the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds World Championship 2011 for NDS.I nectiod that the NDS when the card field "Ancient Forest" is active and the cardholder field attacks with a "Gladiator Beast" at the end of "BP", first you can activate the effect of "Gladiator Beast" and then to "Ancient Forest "being active.But in YGOPro, this only happens if the "Ancient Forest" is not on the same side of the field "Gladiator Beast" Forward.When both are on the same side of the field, "Ancient Forest" activates its effect first, thus destroying the "Gladiator Beast" before he could activate its effect.I wonder what's wrong or if it is simply a matter of updating the rule?THANK YOU!

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